

The Learning and Technology Library

Article Title: Developing the Dissertation Chair and Doctoral Candidate Relationship in Online Learning Environments.

Published: July 2, 2020

ISBN 978-1-939797-50-6 


Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ)

Article Title: Closing the Gap in Academic Writing Using the Cognitive Load Theory

Published: March 2018 (Vol.9, Issue 1) ISSN20402589
DOI: 10.20533/licej.2040.2589.2018.0373


LICE-WCSNE Proceedings, Published by Infonomics Society

Extended Abstract Title: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Application in Academic Writing

Published: December 2017



Journal of Business and Retail Management Research

Article Title: A Spiritually Based Leadership Approach in the Retail Environment to Assist with the Challenges of Employee Morale and Retention

Published: October 2012 (Vol. 7, Issue 1)



Association for the Advancement of Computing Education EdMedia+Innovate Learning

Presented June 25, 2020, Online, Netherlands

Presentation Topic: Developing the Dissertation Chair and Doctoral Candidate Relationship in Online Learning Environments

A quantitative, correlational study was conducted to discover the impact of the relationships of the doctoral candidate and the dissertation chair.


OLC Innovate

Presented April 4, 2019, Denver Colorado

Presentation Topic: Impressions: The Doctoral Chair & Candidate Relationship

Australian Association for Research in Education

Presented December 5, 2018, University of Sydney

Presentation Topic: Exploring the Beliefs and Professional Experiences Impacting the Building of Scholarship for Doctoral Degree Graduates: A Mixed Methods Study

Mixed method research study results with the purpose of examining habits of mind, Boyer’s model of scholarship, and leadership application and practices in graduates of doctoral level programs.


Australian Association for Research in Education

Chair & Presenter December 5, 2018, University of Sydney

Presentation Topic: Developing the Student to Scholar for Research to Influence Real World Change

A research abstract and discussion with the purpose of examining the application of research to real world challenges, problems, and to change in the world.


Knowledge Without Boundaries Expanding Boundaries Research Summit

Presented August 2018, University of Phoenix, Online

Presentation Topic: Exploring the Beliefs and Professional Experiences Impacting the Building of Scholarship for Doctoral Degree Graduates: A Mixed Methods Study

A mixed method research project with the purpose of examining habits of mind, Boyer’s model of scholarship, and leadership application and practices in graduates of doctoral level programs.


London International Conference on Education

Extended Abstract Title: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Application in Academic Writing

Presented December 11, 2017, Cambridge University, UK

The objective of this research was to examine existing practices as it relates to understanding theory and application in academic writing and identify best practices for developing academic skills to bridge the gap between theory and application in Higher Education.